Additional Audition Info & Sign-up
Prelude Chorus for Grades 3-5
Concert Chorus for Grades 6-8
Youth Chorus for Grades 9-12.
Annual tuition ranges from $650 to $750.
Rehearsal Location:
Custer Road and Legacy Drive area in Plano. See the map on this website's "Contact Us" page.
Rehearsal Day & Times: Monday evenings...
Prelude Chorus rehearses from 6:30 – 7:30pm
Concert Chorus rehearses from 6:30 – 8:00pm
Youth Chorus rehearses from 6:30 – 8:30pm
A clear singing voice
A strong sense of pitch
Musical and vocal readiness
Emotional maturity
Good attitude
The ability to focus and follow instruction
Desire to be a part of the Chorus
Commitment to regular attendance at rehearsals and performances
Auditions are held in Plano
Auditions last approximately 20 minutes
Parents are asked to sit in on the audition
Auditions consist of vocal exploration, pitch matching, rhythm exercises, harmonization, vocal memory, breathing and posture.
Children will be asked to sing a song of their choice without accompaniment. Preferred song choice would be traditional, such as folk, classical, or hymn for example, preferably not a pop song. However, it will be acceptable if the child prefers to sing something as simple as “Happy Birthday” or “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.”
At the end of the audition, your child will be told the results of the audition, and either be invited to become a new member of the Chorus or be asked to work with a vocal coach and perhaps re-audition
If your child is invited to join and would like to accept the invitation and become a member of the Chorus, we ask that you sign a commitment form and pay the $50 Enrollment Fee (check or cash) at the time of the audition
If you are interested in Chorus membership, would like more information, have questions, or would like to schedule an audition time for your child, please email Janie Oliver at or call the Chorus Office, 972-737-3042 Ex.2. We would love to help you know more about our Chorus family.​​

The Children's Chorus of Collin County is an auditioned, tuition based organization whose goal is to provide an advanced, quality choral experience for the children who participate.